




 虽然目前Google对于原创内容的网站,已经有很好的识别判断能力。但是基于原创内容的排序,Google做的还不尽如人意。尽管是原创内容但是在进行关键词排名时,Google确实还考虑了权重、外链、域名信任度等因素。并非只是根据原创内容的所有权,进行排名。大部分熟悉搜索引擎优化的人,都知道。原创内容对于SEO有极大的价值。可以优化搜索引擎排名,提升网站的权重。SEO专家也一直呼吁网站要针对用户、搜索引擎制造出高质量的网站内容。但可能很多在创作原创内容的网站都有这样的体会,自己网站的内容被大量的转载。而搜索文章的标题时,根本找不到自己网站的排名。极大程度的打击创作的激情。日前,美国adage.com网站发表了一篇是关于媒体公司要求Google公司提升原创内容的排名的文章。主要原因是,很多媒体公司不满意Google的PageRank算法,因为PageRank是基于外部链接的排序算法,这使得原创内容的页面在短时间无法获得大量的链接而损失排名。受金融危机的影响,使得媒体公司的广告营收萎缩。出版商们想借用互联网度过此危机,但目前出版商们却因为原创内容无法得到公正的排名,进而影响整体的互联网销售计划。Many publishers resent the criteria Google uses to pick top results, starting with the original PageRank formula that depended on how many links a page got. But crumbling ad revenue is lending their push more urgency; this is no time to show up on the third page of Google search results. And as publishers renew efforts to sell some content online, moreover, they're newly upset that Google's algorithm penalizes paid content."You should not have a system," one content executive said, "where those who are essentially parasites off the true producers of content benefit disproportionately."Last November John Kosner, ESPN's digital-media senior VP, renewed the charge at a meeting of Google's Publishers Advisory Council, a small, invitation-only group for professional publishers to pow-wow confidentially with the search giant. Members include BusinessWeek, ESPN, Hearst, Meredith, The New York Times, Time Inc. and The Wall Street Journal. "This wasn't the first time that it had been raised, but John certainly put a bright spotlight on it," said one person in attendance.Then in January, Martin Nisenholtz, New York Times Co. senior VP-digital operations, got up at the annual Online Publishers Association summit in Florida, an event closed to the press, to blast both the algorithm and the results presentation on the screen.PrioritiesHe'd just run a search for Gaza, which had been at war with Israel since Dec. 27. Google returned links to outdated BBC stories, Wikipedia entries and even an anti-Semitic YouTube video well before coverage by the Times, which had an experienced reporter covering the war from inside Gaza itself.Search results for "Gaza" on March 20 began with two Wikipedia links, a March 19 BBC report, two video clips of unclear origin, the CIA World Factbook, a Guardian report and, most strikingly, a link to Gaza-related messages on Twitter.And every item looks about the same, whether it's a link to Vanity Fair or to FreeGaza.org, undermining the power of known brands. That's especially ironic given Google CEO Eric Schmidt's charge to magazine publishers last October, when he said brands were the way to sort out the "cesspool" that the net is becoming. "Who's actually driving people to these secondary, tertiary and Looooong Tail sites?" one big-time publisher said. "It's Google."Publishers said they're not asking for a leg up over amateurs and link-happy bloggers. "This would in no way mean that only professional content publishers would get an advantage," one said. "It really just says that the original source, and the source with real access, should somehow be recognized as the most important in the delivery of results."Google says it's trying but can't just flip a switch to deliver pro publishers' dreams. "There's absolutely value to original content," a spokesman said. "There's value to derivative content, too. We look at this in many ways from the point of view of the user. But the truth is there are so many shades of gray even within, quote, original content."'Plaintive cry'Not everyone supports the publishers' push. "It's the plaintive cry of people who have lost their monopoly trying to scrounge a little of it back," said Michael Wolff, Vanity Fair columnist and founder of Newser, which aggregates and links news from around the web. "Sometimes it's true that you'd rather get what The New York Times has to say about something rather than a host of bloggers. But more interestingly it's not always true. And it is in fact less and less true."Publishers are nonetheless looking forward to the next closed-door meeting of Google's Publishers Advisory Council on April 30, when many hope to get some solid response from Google. They don't just want "We'll fix it." They want more insight into Google's black box of data and decision making.They're also beginning to cast around for new leverage. Publishers on both sides of the Atlantic are increasingly adopting the Automated Content Access Protocol, which intends to tell search engines what they can use and how. It's focused on copyright, but widespread adoption might give publishers new clout with Google.Some publishers concede, however, they could help themselves more too. "Google has designed an algorithm," one said. "They don't owe us that we show up a particular way. They do publish a whole lot about how to make your site show up as much as possible. If people haven't taken action on it, that's their own damn fault."

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